New Haibun and Tanka Prose Resources Collection
The haibun and tanka prose communities now have access to a new comprehensive website containing critical writing on haibun and tanka prose collected from print and online journals. Click here:
Why is this important? In a 2008 editorial in Haibun Today, Jeffrey Woodward wrote: "If haibun is to survive and develop as a viable genre, bibliographies, anthologies, monographs, book reviews and critical essays will play a role that is only slightly less central than the writing of haibun itself."
Largely, but not exclusively through Woodward's efforts to inspire literary criticism focused on haibun and tanka prose, there is now a fairly good number of reviews, essays, interviews and commentaries appearing in a variety of print and online journals, blogs & personal websites including CHO's "Articles" link. However, they are not easy to find, and particularly as journals grow in their number of issues, such work tends to get lost in the back issues.
In response, Ray Rasmussen has created a Haibun and Tanka Prose Resources Website where writers/readers can easily access literary criticism in the forms of articles, book reviews, interviews and Commentaries on the two genres.
Suggestions and additions to the website are welcome: |